





The Brady Valcho Autism Foundation takes pride in their dedication to all aspects of the local autism community.  We feel that by coming together with law enforcement and families and autistic individuals we help make a bridge with relationships and build trust.

With our ACES Training, we provide:


Autism: Each year we host alongside our partners, the Holly Springs Police Department, the Holly Springs Autism Acceptance Day Event. This free event provides a resource fair, music, food, and games in a family and sensory-friendly atmosphere for all neurodiverse individuals. 

Community: Each year, we aim to provide one or more scholarships to families for area summer camps, social groups, or specialized recreational activities.

Enforcement: The safety of children and adults with autism is our primary concern at the BVA Foundation. We provide local first responders with hour-long training presentations. These free trainings give first responders a new insight into autism and can enhance officer communication and response skills. We also provide free sensory tool kits to police, fire, and healthcare facilities to aid with the engagement of neurodiverse individuals. 

Schools: We provide free autism sensitivity talks to K-12 schools. These talks help children understand that all of us are unique and different, learn to respect differences, and how to be a good friend to someone with autism. 


If you have any questions about our autism event or would like to learn more about our school and first responders training please get in touch with us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 




  • Before initially responding, if possible, seek and attain help from caregivers. They know the needs of their loved ones best. Decrease any unnecessary external stimulation. Let empathy and reason help guide your responses.

  • Turn off sirens and lights while approaching the individual. Do not try to stop the person’s repetitive or odd-seeming behaviors. Individuals with autism may engage in self-soothing or stimulatory behavior. Jumping, twirling, hand-flapping, noises, or saying repetitive phrases is behavior that is calming to the individual. 

  • Approach the child at their level, kneeling or lying down if necessary. Speak in a calm normal tone of voice. Keep hands low and slow. Be aware of outbursts. They may reach for your keys, badge, or weapon.

  • Avoid peppering the individual with too many questions or open-ended questions. Give lots of personal space. Think of a Hula Hoop around the individual. The individual may not like to be touched. Move slowly and explain what you plan to do before you do it. Explain where you are going, what the person may see, and who might be there. This can help with unnecessary anxiety.

  • If the person is non-verbal, use pictures or a communication board or write the information you need and offer pen and paper to the person.

  • Use First - Then language. “ Hi, I am a Police Officer”. “I am here to help you”. “First, we will go sit in my car, then we will find Mom”.

  • Check for a medical ID bracelet, autism ID card, or tracking device.



Brady Valcho Autism Foundation

A 501(c) (3) serving Southern Wake County, NC

Website by White Roof Interactive